Blog sponsor rules: S’pore mustn’t ape US

Monkey see. Monkey do? Hope where setting disclosure rules for bloggers to tell who sponsors their glowing endorsements is concerned, Singapore won’t just follow what the United States is planning to do, come December. 

It was announced that bloggers over there will have to make ‘clear and conspicuous’ disclosures if, for example, they write a restaurant review after having been treated to a feast there

In response to local media queries, our Media Development Authority (MDA) says it is looking at stricter disclosure rules by which bloggers and users of other new media may soon have to say so upfront if they receive gifts or money for their write-ups.

At least that’s what the Straits Times reported on Oct 12.

IMHO, I think MDA shouldn’t blindly introduce rules just because the US is doing so. Rather, if we want rules, we should have them, whether the US does so or not.

Moreover, disclosures shouldn’t just be imposed because they go to show a blogger’s bias. They should also be there to help IRAS track income, if indeed, as boasted by the occasional blogger that he/she is pulling in a 4-figure monthly income through blogging.

And more controversially, what about bloggers who damn all things about Singapore, all the time? Shouldn’t they be made to confirm that it’s just that they have a negative disposition; not because someone is sponsoring their ascorbic outpourings?

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