Discrimination hoo hah

Sometimes I wonder how the Straits Times “editors” select letters sent in to them for publication in the newspaper’s online and hard copy Forum page.

I wonder again today on reading this absurd complaint about an ad by Great Eastern Life Assurance which appeared online. (see letter reproduced below).

Just as well almost all the some 20 comments to the letter thought the writer’s response to the ad absurd and OTT.

Personally, I don’t know how and when the word “discrimination” has become such a lightning rod for whingeing.

Whether we like it or not, whether we think about it or not, we are practising discrimination all the time: every time we make a choice; every time we decide for this person against that. It’s about discernment and taste, nothing more.

OK, in sociology, discrimination has been narrowed down to the prejudicial treatment of individuals. Yet even if we stuck with this narrow definition, prejudiced or biased treatment needn’t always only be negative.

The GE ad is a case in point.

I wish the ST Forum letter “editors” would be more discriminating in their selection of what to publish.

Dec 28, 2010

Disturbed by ‘discrimination’ ad

I WAS taking the MRT when I saw the Great Eastern Life Assurance Company’s campaign, titled “It’s great to be a woman”, on the train. The headline read “Discrimination works. Especially on Ladies’ Nite”.

I was greatly disturbed by this. While many women are fighting discrimination in society and the workplace, Great Eastern seems to be acknowledging discrimination by saying discrimination works. There are many reasons why it’s great to be a woman, but I strongly believe that women should never use their gender to gain advantages.

Great Eastern should seriously reconsider their reasons why it’s great to be a woman and remove the superficial views. If not, this campaign will be perpetuating sexual discrimination.

Choo Ai Zhia (Ms)

8 thoughts on “Discrimination hoo hah

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Discrimination hoo hah: -- Topsy.com

  2. This singaporean society, or rather the asian society has always been both equally harsh on both male and female discrimination. Men has always been tasked with more responsibilities and burdens as well as responsibilities to lose on purpose to women as if it is a manly thing to do even when they are right on occasions.

    while we as a society are fighting discrimination against women, We forgot, as a society, that men’s burden towards women still remain and particularly so where these burdens are based on the assumption that women are the weaker sex.

    Such assumptions were long since displaced by society. yet these burdens on men were ceaselessly being exploited to women’s advantage.

    I have always think this is a disgusting feature of asian society; to substitute sexist discrimination for a reversal of sexist discrimination.

    I am glad that this lady brought up this issue. Being a lady herself, to think this is deplorable is a sign that there might be hope for us to finally end such sexist discrimination.

  3. Thanks Xizor2000 and DL for visiting. I’ve said all I want to say about the letter and the song and dance over the word “discrimination”. The two of you are good reps of both ends of the argument, hur,hur, hur!

  4. Areya, poor GE Life probably got more attention than it intended. If anything to complain abt, it’s that like u say, so lame and so last century to “pun” on such sentiments. It shows tt whoever’s in charge of mkting n promotions at GE “just don’t it”. hur, hur, hur!

  5. what great eastern did was just disgraceful.just as well,it exposed the disparity of society against males.if the men had any sense they’d use it as a platform to argue for their rights against such unfairness,and change the women charter into men charter.its about time society not get fooled by feminist into thinking females are still disadvantaged.
    hoo-hah?if its remarks against women,would u be saying the same thing?if this were anti-female or racist remarks,it might become a court case.just because this is against men,they think we are easy to bully?someone’s gotta speak up.

  6. Haha Fabrizzo, almost 6 mths after that hoo-ha died down n now u want to ignite it again? Get real 🙄

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